How to Improve the Nutritional Composition of Feed for Chicks
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How to Improve the Nutritional Composition of Feed for Chicks

Hora de publicación: 2023-08-15     Origen: Sitio

Effective control of feed nutrients is the key to improving the growth and development quality of chicks. The improvement of feed combined with the growth and development speed of chicks can provide complete support for the optimization of chick feeding programs. Therefore, the innovation of chick feeding scheme according to the composition of feed nutrients is the focus of many feed preparation personnel.

1. The effect of different nutrients on the growth and development speed of chicks

1.1 The effect of protein on the growth and development speed of chicks

From the perspective of the composition of chick feed, protein level is always the main factor affecting the growth and development of chicks. From the perspective of the dietary components of chicks, the protein level is largely related to the growth and development quality of chicks. When the protein content in the feed reaches 13.21g/MJ, its energy can be maintained at the optimum level. From the perspective of the protein content of chick feed, the composition ratio of protein is a relatively complicated issue. Only by realizing the judgment of chick growth performance can we have a more scientific identification and cognition of the importance of protein content. Judging from the existing chicken feed composition, the main raw material is wheat. By summarizing and researching the experience of external chick feed preparation, the rationality of chicken feed configuration with wheat as the main raw material can be analyzed. Chick feed in southern hemisphere countries is mainly composed of corn, so egg hatchability is higher. Chickens fed wheat-based feed in Europe had a chick growth rate of 68.2%. Chicks fed corn-based feed in South America had a chick growth rate of 83.3%. Chick breeders can analyze and judge the function of chick feed based on the condition of the eggshell.

1.2 The effect of fat on the growth and development speed of chicks

Fat has a great influence on the growth and development of chicks. In the case of ensuring sufficient nutrient supply, fat nutrients can provide more direct help for the growth of chick weight. Chick growth performance is more directly supported during increased fat intake. From a chick feed preparation perspective, chick weight is a major concern for feed preparers. On this basis, only by realizing the rational analysis of the sources of fat nutrients and ensuring that the relevant experiments on fat intake are handled innovatively can we fully meet the needs of controlling the growth and development of chicks. Provide assistance for the optimization of fat nutrient intake methods. During feed preparation, it is important to have a good understanding of the hormone metabolism of the chick flock. In particular, it is necessary to conduct a reasonable analysis of the influence of various aspects of fat sources, so that more measures related to the growth rules of chicks can be scientifically set. In the process of analyzing the factors related to the growth and development of chicks, the content of vegetable oil and fish oil must be analyzed, and the embryonic composition of chicks must be analyzed accurately, so that the factors affecting embryonic development can be clearly determined. In the process of controlling fat content, it is necessary to conduct a reasonable study and judgment on the metabolism of fat, and formulate control measures for the growth and development of chicks in combination with the quality of chicks, so as to provide favorable support for the effective judgment of fat influence.

2. How to supplement the nutritional components of chick feed

2.1 Improve the quality of calcium supplementation

Calcium has an important influence on the bone development of chicks. Therefore, in the preparation of chick diets, it is necessary to strengthen the attention and research on calcium content, especially to analyze the many effects of calcium level changes. Chick breeders need to pay more attention to the way of calcium supplementation, especially analyze the negative effects of excessive calcium supplementation, so that the appetite of chicks can be controlled more reasonably and effectively, and provide the necessary guarantee for the overall optimization of chick growth quality.

2.2 Improve the quality of phosphorus supply

It is necessary to conduct a rational analysis of the composition of the chick's diet, especially to evaluate the value of the current growth status of the chick. So that more measures related to the supply and demand of phosphorus elements can make progress in the design of phosphorus element supply schemes, so as to meet the needs of controlling the growth law of chicks. It is necessary to strengthen the research on the proportion of available phosphorus. According to the method of correlation analysis, the coordination of phosphorus content and chick growth status can be realized.

2.3 Improve the quality of potassium and sodium supplementation

According to the requirements of electrolyte balance treatment, the supply status of potassium and sodium elements should be analyzed. The factors that affect the growth level of chicks can be reasonably judged and disposed of, and fully meet the adjustment needs of chick feed. It is necessary to make a reasonable judgment and analysis of the hydrogen concentration in the feed, especially to investigate the possible sepsis problem of chicks, so that the supply and demand of potassium and sodium elements can be scientifically determined.

2.4 Improve the quality of magnesium supplementation

According to the characteristics of the growth environment of the chicks, the magnesium element should be flexibly applied. In particular, it is necessary to analyze the preparation requirements of the activator, so that the magnesium element can mature and effectively adapt to the metabolic capacity of the chick during the nutrient supply process, and provide help for the effective activation of the magnesium element. Chicken feed needs to pay more attention to feed compounding, especially to investigate the multi-faceted supply requirements of magnesium, so that more measures related to the absorption rate of magnesium can get effective value recognition.

3. Conclusion

The analysis of feed nutrient composition is the key to ensure the improvement of feed preparation measures. Under the condition that the current growth and development laws of chicks can be scientifically summarized. According to the growth characteristics of chicks, it is of great significance to analyze the nutritional components of feed and formulate corresponding feed improvement plans to improve the comprehensive growth and development quality of chicks.

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